The Surprising Guide to Lasting Impact

Contribution enhances lasting impact.

“Life is not about you. It is about what you do for others.” – Tom Rath

Competence creates opportunity. As time passes, if you’re fortunate, you’ll make meaningful contributions to others. The more competent you become, the more opportunities you have for lasting impact.

Contribution elevates lasting impact. Image of a drop of water making ripples.

10 sources of competence that lead to lasting impact:

  1. Natural talent and aptitude
  2. Developed skill
  3. Wisdom from relationships
  4. Knowledge from school and books
  5. Insight from success and failure
  6. Experience from hands-on practice
  7. Feedback from others
  8. Adaptability to change
  9. Problem-solving
  10. Grit in the face of personal struggle

Finding lasting impact:

Start by reflecting on your struggle.

Ask yourself how you are solving your need for meaning or fulfillment. Great competency emerges from great struggle.

The issues you solve for yourself are answers others need.

Reflect on your journey:

Reflect on the answers you find for yourself and, when appropriate, provide those solutions to others. Reflection questions…

  1. What issues are you solving?
  2. How is your story connected to your passion?
  3. What adversities have you overcome?
  4. How does your journey enhance your value?
  5. How are you turning personal need into asset?
  6. What skills have you developed through your experiences?
  7. How has feedback shaped your growth?
  8. What new opportunities have you created for yourself and others?
  9. How do you continuously learn and adapt?
  10. What strengths have emerged from your challenges?

Final insight:

Pretending to be something you’re not limits lasting impact. Reflect on your journey and share the solutions you find. Great contributions emerge through understanding and addressing your own needs.

Use your struggle to add value to others.

How has struggling with your own frailties become an opportunity for lasting impact?

What have you learned that you can pass on to others?

Dig deeper:

From Low impact to High impact leadership

How You Have Inescapable Impact

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